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In this chapter, we'll explore the fundamental components that form the backbone of the LOGG stack: Linux, OpenSearch, Grafana, and Go. These technologies have been carefully chosen to work together, creating a powerful, flexible, and scalable system for network monitoring and analytics. Before diving into the installation and configuration, it's important to understand the role each component plays and why it was selected for this stack.

Linux serves as the stable, secure foundation, providing the operating system that supports the entire stack. Its flexibility, security, and extensive community support make it an ideal choice for running OpenSearch, Grafana, and Go applications.

OpenSearch acts as the data engine, handling the ingestion, indexing, and retrieval of large datasets. Its robust search capabilities are crucial for real-time analytics and insights, making it a key player in the stack.

Grafana is the visualization tool that brings data to life. By integrating with OpenSearch, it enables the creation of dynamic, interactive dashboards that offer clear, actionable insights into network performance and other key metrics.

Finally, Go is the programming language of choice for writing custom pollers and system utilities. Known for its efficiency and performance, Go ensures that these tools run smoothly and handle concurrent tasks effectively.

This chapter will provide a detailed look at each component, explaining their individual roles and how they combine to create a cohesive, powerful system. Understanding these elements will prepare you for the hands-on installation and configuration that follows, giving you the foundation to build and customize your own LOGG stack.