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Section 4: Getting Ubuntu

When choosing an operating system for our virtual machine, I selected Ubuntu for several reasons. Ubuntu has been my Linux server of choice for over a decade due to its reliability, stability, and ease of use. It provides a secure and efficient environment, making it ideal for a wide range of server applications. Additionally, Ubuntu’s strong community support and comprehensive documentation ensure that you have access to the tools and resources you need.

To get started, you'll need to download the Ubuntu Server ISO file. You can find the latest version of Ubuntu Server at the following link:

Download Ubuntu Server ISO

Once you've downloaded the ISO file, I recommend saving it in an organized location on your computer. Consider creating a dedicated folder for operating system ISOs, such as OS_ISOs, where you can store this and any future ISO files. This will help keep your files organized and easily accessible for future use.

Once you have the ISO downloaded we are ready to move on to setting up Virtualbox and getting the LOGG stack on the road.